Saturday, August 15, 2009

More vacation pics

Friday, August 14, 2009

More Utah Pics

Summer Trip to Utah

We got to spend two and a half weeks in Utah with Brian's family this summer. We had so much fun. It was great to be away from work and just relax. We did a lot of fun things - we went to play golf at the Homestead in Midway (and decided we want to live there), we went to Mapleton Canyon and had a campfire with the family, visited Sundance, watched some baseball games, and had family parties. Brian played in several golf tournaments and got to see his friends. Adam had lots of fun playing with his cousins.

4th of July!

The 4th of July was fun this year - Adam's first one. We went swimming at Krissy's house and watched the La Habra fireworks from my parents' house. Adam wasn't sure about the fireworks at first, but then he liked them. Adam loves to swim.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Adam Future Biker

We took these Harley pics of Adam for his Grandpa's for Father's Day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

We had a fun Father's Day - Brian's first as a father! We had a BBQ at my parents' house. Adam is about ready to crawl or walk - we don't know which one he will do first, but he's very close to doing both. He also has 6 teeth now!


We have been taking Adam to Disneyland for a few months now, and he really loves it! He loves any place where there are a lot of people and things to watch. We took him on several rides in California Adventure, like the Bug's life rides and the merry-go-round. He had a great time! We took him on some rides in D-land but he wasn't as happy, as you can see from his face in some of the pictures. He was afraid on Small World and also Winnie the Pooh! We love having the annual pass, so we can go for a few hours at a time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Backyard Boogie

Here's a random picture of us in the backyard of our house. We are getting ready for Mother's Day this weekend and also Kristin's birthday and Tyler Salo's birthday party - we are having a BBQ at our house this weekend to celebrate everything. It should be fun! Brian is speaking at church on Mother's Day - I admire him for saying yes. I am not so brave!

Monday, April 13, 2009


This year, Easter was really nice. Adam got his first Easter basket and we all got together at my mom and dad's house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. Here are some pictures of Adam in his Easter outfit and with the Easter Bunny, who was the worst Easter Bunny EVER!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Adam's 6 Month Pics

We decided to do a "Yankees" family picture, which was a challenge for me being a hardcore Angels fan, but I love the way they turned out. Adam always does so well when he gets his picture taken!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Update on Adam

Adam just had his 6 month doctor's appointment this week. He is 27 inches long and weighs 15.4 pounds. He has been recovering from bronchiolitis for the past few weeks, but is still a happy baby. His first tooth is coming in also! Here are some recent pictures of him.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Adam loves baths!

Adam eats veggies and fruit for the frist time!

Adam jusr started eating solids. He loves sweet potatoes and pears. It is very messy but fun!