Friday, March 20, 2009

Update on Adam

Adam just had his 6 month doctor's appointment this week. He is 27 inches long and weighs 15.4 pounds. He has been recovering from bronchiolitis for the past few weeks, but is still a happy baby. His first tooth is coming in also! Here are some recent pictures of him.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he is feeling better! It seems like it is always something with children, constipation, a cold, a tooth, vomiting! It is never boring! He is getting so big and he seems so content. In several of the pictures he resembles Savannah when she was that age. They are definitely related with the visual resemblence and the bouncing!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, sorry Karin but I am really incapable of posting a comment since I don't have a blogger id. I am anonymous!!! Kammy

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Hi, Karin! It's Natalie!

Adam is so, so cute! Can you believe he is 6 months already? He's going to be running around before you know it! Good luck with teething!

Anonymous said...

Hey Karin good to see you joined the Blog world ha I like to keep track of little nieces and nephews on here. Adam is a cute kid! thats crazy that he is already at 6 monthes. I miss you and Brian, hopefully we see eachother soon!